Industry News

Can regenerative agriculture reduce the environmental harm of palm oil production?

Views : 1254
Update time : 2022-09-01 14:03:21
Palm oil plantations cover 27 million hectares of the Earth’s surface. Production of the world’s most widely used vegetable oil tends to evoke images of endless rows of oil palm trees stretching uninterruptedly across the horizon, of lost forests and hungry orangutans roaming scorched peatlands. But there are pockets of the industry who believe oil palm can be grown in harmony with, and not in place of, tropical ecosystems.Agricultural machine,gearbox,agricultural gearbox,agricultural reducer,Lithium battery

The monoculture plantations that have rapidly spread across Indonesia and Malaysia since the late 1990s could make way for a new way of cultivating oil palm that restores degraded soil, protects biodiversity, and avoids harmful pesticides and fertilisers.Agricultural machine,gearbox,agricultural gearbox,agricultural reducer,Lithium battery

The practice, known as regenerative agriculture, is not entirely new. Indigenous peoples have been farming in balance with nature for thousands of years. But it is an increasingly popular topic in food industry circles as pressure builds on the sector to revive dying soils and curb the industry’s climate impact.Agricultural machine,gearbox,agricultural gearbox,agricultural reducer,Lithium battery

Agriculture accounts for up to 29 per cent of total greenhouse gas emissions, and the United Nations estimates that a quarter of the Earth’s surface — land that could feed 1.5 billion people — has become degraded, and 24 billion tonnes of fertile topsoil are lost to erosion and deforestation every year. The palm oil trade faces parallel challenges. Studies have found that the conversion of peat swamps into palm oil plantations has added one per cent to total global emissions, while a 2°C increase in global temperature could lead to a 30 per cent drop in oil palm yields — which are already under pressure to pests, diseaseAgricultural machine,gearbox,agricultural gearbox,agricultural reducer,Lithium battery and productivity-sapping farming techniques.
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